The flea: a seemingly insignificant black speck of an insect, which often seems like nothing more than a nuisance.
But unfortunately, the presence of one flea typically indicates the presence of many of its tiny friends and relatives, and fleas can foreshadow a host of issues, from the irritating to the downright dangerous.
Any pet owner who’s endured a flea infestation can tell you that it’s no picnic. Not only do fleas make your pet miserable, but once they’ve moved into your home they’re extremely difficult to evict.
Additionally, they can cause infections, trigger allergies, and bring about a variety of other health problems. They can even make existing health issues your pup may have worse.
Fortunately, dog flea medicine is easy to get your hands on.
The tricky part is picking the right treatment and prevention option for your pet. There are tons of options out there, from oral tablets to sprays to yard treatments, and everything in between.
In this article, we’ll identify some of the best flea treatment for dogs, so that you can make the right choice next time you’re faced with fleas. We’ll cover the best preventative choices as well so you can avoid a plague of these nasty pests altogether!
Read on to learn more about the best flea treatments on the market, or just check out our quick picks below if you are in a hurry!
Quick Picks: Our Favorite Flea-Treatment Options
- #1: Pet Armor Fast Caps (Best Oral Medication) — If you just want to give your dog a pill and watch the fleas start dropping like flies, it’s hard to beat these oral tablets. In addition to being affordable, these pills provide one of the easiest ways to keep your dog free of fleas.
- #2: Vets Best Flea & Tick Spray (Best Flea Spray) — This flea-killing spray is made with natural oils, and it is safe enough to spray around your home, on your dog’s bedding, and even directly on to your pet’s coat!
- #3: Bayer K9 Advantix II (Best Topical Flea Medication) — This topical one-spot treatment provides an easy, affordable, and effective way to help not only protect your dog from fleas, but ticks and heartworm-transmitting mosquitoes too!
- #4: Seresto Flea and Tick Collar (Best Flea Collar) — Looking for a great long-term flea treatment? It’s hard to beat the Seresto Flea and Tick Collar, which provides an incredible 8 months of protection!
- #5: Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo (Best Flea Shampoo) — Shampoos are a fantastic way of knocking a large number of fleas off your dog quickly and easily. Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo is not only very effective at killing blood-sucking parasites, it’s also quite affordable.
Fleas 101: All the Basic Info You Need to Know
Fleas are a small, 1/8- to 1/16-inch insects, which appear to the naked eye as little more than black specks. But what they lack in size they make up for in athleticism: Though they can’t fly, they have powerful back legs that allow them to jump large distances, measuring up to several feet.

A flea’s favorite food is the blood of your beloved pet, but they’ll also gladly dine on your blood in some cases. They do so via three-piece piercing-sucking mouthparts that they’ll use to penetrate their victim’s skin.
These invasive jabs don’t typically cause serious pain, but they will often lead to itchiness and irritation, and they can even trigger allergic reactions or transmit diseases.
Like any other insect, a flea begins life as an egg, but it doesn’t stay that way for long.
Flea eggs tend to hatch just 48 hours after they are laid. Eggs are typically deposited on an animal’s fur, but they often tumble into your carpet or your pet’s bedding shortly thereafter.
The newly hatched flea larva snacks on a dark substance called flea dirt, which is a less despicable term for flea feces. Flea dirt looks like little brown or black specks, but it’s actually your pet’s blood that’s been digested by adult fleas.
Similar to a caterpillar, the little larva makes itself a cocoon, where it grows into an adult flea over the course of a week.

An average flea lifespan might be a few months, but don’t be fooled. Fleas waste no time reproducing, and a single female can produce almost 1,000 eggs before she dies.
Symptoms of a Flea Infestation
Prevention is the best way to avoid flea infestations.
Failing that, you’ll want to catch the problem as soon as you can, because prompt action is crucial to protecting your pup from the health problems these bugs can cause.
Be on alert for fleas year-round, but vigilance is especially crucial during the warmer months of spring and summer, as well as the first few weeks during winter, once you turn on the central heat.
The most obvious symptom of an infestation is a nagging, continuous itch that your dog continues to scratch with no sign of relief.
Fleas may attack any portion of your dog’s body, but they typically like to chomp on your pup’s stomach, back legs, behind the ears, base of the tail, and neck, so be extra suspicious if any of those areas are particularly irritated.
Even if you don’t see your pup scratching, use a flea comb to periodically check your pooch’s fur and skin.
Also, keep an eye out for flea dirt. If you see any, then it means that fleas are already moving in — it’s time to take immediate action before the flea problem gets any worse.

The Importance of Treating Fleas
Once you suspect that you’re dealing with fleas, waste no time tackling the issue head on.
While a flea bite or two isn’t a major health concern, any delay in treatment will only worsen the infestation and put your pup at greater risk for serious issues.
First of all, flea bites will cause your pooch to scratch, and constant scratching will eventually lead to sores and likely infections. As you can imagine, constant itchiness makes your dog miserable and can even lead to hair loss.
The risk of anemia is also heightened with a flea infestation, as the constant blood loss from flea bites can cause serious problems over time.
Additionally, a host of infectious diseases can be spread by fleas. Fleas were responsible for the bubonic plague during the middle ages, wiping out millions of people in Europe. Plague is not as big of a concern today (though it still pops up from time to time), but there are countless diseases and parasites (such as tapeworms) that can be spread by fleas, which you don’t want your beloved pet to catch.
Besides the health dangers, fleas also pose a whole host of logistical problems for pet owners:
- Fleas can pass between pets. For multi-pet households, when one pet gets fleas, the rest are likely to follow.
- Denial of some pet services. If you board your pet, or you use a groomer or doggy daycare, they may deny services until the issue is resolved since a flea infestation is highly contagious.
- Renting issues. Additionally, landlords, roommates, or neighbors surely don’t want their pets or property subjected to fleas.
If your poor pup is battling fleas, it’s best to keep him quarantined until the issue is resolved — otherwise, you’ll almost certainly spread the problem to other pups.
Flea Treatment Options for Dogs
You’ve got tons of options when it comes to flea medicine for dogs. From oral medications to topical options you apply to your pet’s skin, there are a variety of ways to meet your needs based on you and your dog’s specific needs.
Always Discuss Flea Control with Your Vet
As with any new canine health treatments, it’s a good idea to talk to your veterinarian before selecting any flea treatment or medication.
Your vet can tell you if your pooch has any allergies to treatment ingredients that you’ll want to avoid and point out the type of treatment that’s most likely to work well for your pet.
Additionally, your vet can prescribe a number of flea-killing products, which aren’t available over-the-counter.

1. Oral Tablets
Generally speaking, tick and flea tablets for dogs tend to be one of the most effective options for killing fleas fast.
Some will require a prescription through your veterinarian, but many others are available over the counter.
Dog flea medicine pills are typically easier to administer than sometimes-messy topical medicines. Though they tend to be on the more expensive side, it’s a worthy investment when you’re dealing with an infestation. You can also find chewable-style tablets, resembling something similar to heartworm preventatives.
- Very effective
- Fast-acting
- Easy to administer
- Won’t wash off
- Won’t represent a danger to children or other animals
- More expensive
- Some require a vet prescription (but not all)
2. Topical One-Spot / Spot-On Treatments
A popular option for dog owners is topical flea one spot treatment.
These come in small liquid doses that you apply directly to your pet’s skin, usually on the back of the neck. The oil glands under the skin will absorb the medication and redistribute it around your pet’s body. Once it’s absorbed, any flea looking to snack on your pooch will be quickly killed by the product.
The biggest issue is the application — since these are liquids you’ll apply to your pet’s skin, they can be a bit of an ordeal to apply. They can rub it off and render it useless, or it might get all over your hands when you pet your pup.
- Good option for dogs who don’t take oral medicine well
- Can be a hassle to apply
- Can potentially be washed off
3. Flea Collars
Flea collars tend to be one of the easiest options when it comes to prevention, though they can also be a useful means of eradicating existing flea infestations for dogs.
There’s a lot of collar options out there, and some even utilize natural oils to ward off pests.
The good thing is that on the prevention side, these collars can last for months without needing to be replaced.
The downfall of flea collars is that they may break in some circumstances, and some pups might chew on them if not fitted properly, which presents obvious safety issues.
- Great for prevention – stop flea infestations before they happen
- Some natural oil options
- Can be effective for several months at a time
- Can slip off if not properly fitted
- An additional collar on your dog can be a nuisance
- Some dogs may chew the collar if not properly fitted
4. Flea Sprays
Flea sprays come in a variety of formulations, and they are made with varying ingredients, so the safety and efficacy varies by brand and type.
Sprays tend to be a simple way to treat the problem, but they are often designed to be used in different ways.
Some are designed to be sprayed in your yard, while others are designed for spraying in your pet’s kennel or on his bedding. Still others are designed to be sprayed directly on your dog.
- Some sprays are designed for yards or bedding, rather than direct dog application
- Quality and efficacy can vary a lot depending on brand
5. Flea Shampoos
Flea shampoos are often very effective for knocking down the flea population on your dog in just a few minutes.
Some also provide additional benefits, such as soothing the skin where fleas have bitten him, providing your pooch with much-needed relief.
However, most flea shampoos are unable to provide long-term, lasting protection against biting bugs.
So, you’ll either need to use them on a recurring basis, or you can use them to bring a severe infestation under control, before using some other treatment strategy, which will kill any fleas that come back.
- Great for reducing the number of fleas on your dog
- Soothes your dog’s itchy bitten skin
- Best used in conjunction with other flea treatments
- Not suitable for long-term protection
- Doesn’t stop new fleas from jumping onto your dog
6. Natural Flea Treatments
Natural flea treatments certainly have their benefits — using natural oils gives you the chance to sidestep insecticides.
However, they are rarely as effective at killing fleas as conventional flea treatments are. Further, the vast majority of dogs will tolerate mainstream flea treatments without issue, eliminating the need to use plant-based products.
A discussion with your veterinarian is essential when using natural flea treatments to determine the best products to use and their effectiveness. Remember: Just because something is “natural” doesn’t mean it is safe.
That being said, there are a number of natural options you can pursue to reduce your pup’s risk of fleas and ticks, such as avoiding areas with high grass and working to keep your own yard less inviting to bugs and critters. This can involve simple solutions like keeping your lawn’s grass short and using pet-safe weed killers to keep weeds under control.
- No insecticides or synthetic chemicals
- May not be as effective as traditional flea treatments
- “Natural” doesn’t always equate to safe

The 25 Best Flea Treatments for Dogs
Now that you understand the basics of fleas and the treatment options available, let’s dig into the best flea treatments for dogs on the market.
We’ve grouped them by type to make it easier to find the best one for your needs.
Oral Flea Medications
Check out five of our favorites oral flea-killing medications below!

1. Capstar Fast-Acting Oral Flea Treatment
About: Capstar Fast-Acting Oral Flea Treatment is among the best oral flea treatments for dogs. It’s a fast-acting option to stop fleas dead in their tracks, and it’s as simple as giving your dog a pill a day until the problem is resolved.
- Free your dog or cat from fleas by giving it Novartis Capstar Green 6 tablets. With the active...
- Item Package Height: 9.8
- Item Package Length: 1.6
- Item Package Width: 5.59
Features: One pill begins to work within 30 minutes, and it can kill all of your dog’s fleas within just a couple of hours. You can even continue using most other flea prevention products while using this treatment option.
Active Ingredients: Nitenpyram
Effective Against: Adult fleas
Safe for: Dogs, puppies, and cats older than 1 month and heavier than 2 pounds
This pill is fast-acting and zaps adult fleas very effectively. The adult stage is when fleas are after your pup’s blood, and this pill is a fast and efficient way to provide almost immediate relief.
This oral treatment only works to kill adult fleas, so eggs or larva yet to mature will require some other treatment to eradicate. Additionally, this medication does not provide any long-term or on-going protection from fleas.
2. SENTRY Capguard
About: Another fast-acting oral treatment option, SENTRY Capguard goes to work immediately to kill fleas fast and efficiently.
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Features: This FDA approved over-the-counter treatment is another easy fix for nasty flea problems. Just one pill goes to work almost instantly and you’ll see results in as little as a half an hour.
Sentry Capguard is sold in quantities of six, and it comes in several different strengths, based on your dog’s weight.
Active Ingredients: Nitenpyram
Effective Against: Adult fleas
Safe for: Dogs, puppies, and cats older than 1 month and heavier than 2 pounds
Nitenpyram is extremely effective against adult fleas, and this particular product comes at a bit lower cost in comparison to similar products.
Like other oral tablets made with nitenpyram, SENTRY Capguard won’t take care of the younger fleas, so you’ll likely have to give your pooch a couple of doses before the problem goes away for good.
3. PetArmor FastCaps
About: PetArmor FastCaps are another top oral treatment, which are effective for killing adult fleas. They are guaranteed by the manufacturer to work fast and efficiently to provide your pup with some relief.
- Brand New in box. The product ships with all relevant accessories
Features: The active ingredient in these pills is nitenpyram, which is found in several other oral flea treatments. This medication will quickly kill adult fleas, although it does not work on earlier life stages.
Notably, these pills are safe for cats and dogs, making it a great choice for multi-pet households.
Active Ingredients: Nitenpyram
Effective Against: Adult fleas
Safe for: Adult dogs, as well as cats and puppies above 2 pounds
Customers report that PetArmor FastCaps are extremely effective and work quickly. Additionally, because they’re safe for dogs and cats, you can use the same treatment for both of your pets (assuming your dog weighs less than 25 pounds — otherwise, you’ll need two different strengths).
Similar to other flea treatments that only kill adults, you’ll either need to treat your dog over a length of time as young life stages mature, or you’ll need another treatment type to take care of the up and coming baby fleas.
4. Program Oral Treatment
About: If you’re looking to wipe out fleas before they reach adulthood, Program Oral Treatment might be the best oral flea treatment for your dog. These pills will kill flea eggs and larvae before they reach adulthood and bite your pooch.
Features: Produced by the Swiss company Novartis, Program Oral Treatment is sold in a variety of strengths to fit the size of your dog.
This is a monthly prevention option, so the six tablet package should last half the year. Many owners find this type of monthly treatment regimen convenient and easy to employ.
Active Ingredients: Lufenuron
Effective Against: Flea eggs and larvae
Safe for: Adult dogs and cats (they’re sold by the weight of the animal being treated)
Program Oral Treatment will kill baby fleas before they can bite and spread potentially harmful diseases. It’s different from other oral treatments in that it’s used on a monthly basis to stop fleas before an infestation occurs.
Unfortunately, where there’s flea larvae and eggs, there’s almost certainly adult fleas. Program Oral Treatment works best as a preventative measure, so if you’re dealing with a full-fledged infestation, it’s probably not the right choice.
5. PSL Advantus
About: PSL Advantus is Bayer’s answer to oral flea treatment, and it comes in a wide variety of options depending on your pet’s size and needs. PSL Advantus soft chews start killing adult fleas quickly, providing a welcome relief during a flea infestation.
Features: PSL Advantus makes their flea treatment in soft chew form, which typically makes administering the medicine much easier than tablets that you’ll have to hide inside a treat.
These soft chews are sold in quantities of 30, and they go to work fast to provide your dog with some relief.
Note that these soft chews use a different active ingredient than many other oral medications to kill adult fleas. This means they may be a good option for dogs who cannot take nitenpyram for some reason (as always, speak with your vet to make sure you use the best and safest possible option).
Active Ingredients: Imidacloprid
Effective Against: Adult fleas
Safe for: Dogs older than 10 weeks
The soft chews will trick your pup into thinking it’s a treat, so no need to hide it in a piece of cheese or struggle to administer it. The higher quantity packaging means it’s less likely that you’ll need to buy multiple doses.
Imidacloprid works a bit slower than nitenpyram, so it may take a bit longer to take effect. Additionally, you’ll need to pair it with some sort of flea egg and larvae killer since it’s only effective in taking out adult fleas, and it doesn’t provide any on-going protection.
The Best Flea Sprays
We’ve identified five of the best flea sprays on the market below, including conventional and all-natural options.

6. Vet’s Best Flea & Tick Spray
About: If you’re in the market for an all-natural flea treatment for dogs, Vet’s Best Flea & Tick Spray should be one of your top considerations. Safe enough to spray on the surfaces in your home, this product is effective for both treatment and prevention.
- FLEA & TICK FIGHTER: Say goodbye to fleas, flea larvae, flea eggs, ticks, and mosquitoes with our...
- FLEA & TICK SPRAY FOR HOME & DOG: Our flea and tick spray for dogs is gentle enough to use on dogs...
- CERTIFIED NATURAL: Our flea & tick spray for dogs uses certified natural plant-based ingredients...
- PROVEN EFFECTIVE: Our flea and tick spray is scientifically proven to be effective in killing and...
Features: Made from a variety of plant-based oils, this spray utilizes natural ingredients for protection and treatment from ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. It’s also made in America and designed to avoid staining your home’s surfaces or harming your family (except cats — essential oils can be fatal to cats, so this product shouldn’t be used by cat-keeping families).
Active Ingredients: Peppermint oil, eugenol, sodium lauryl sulfate
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, ticks, mosquitos
Safe for: Surfaces around the home, as well as direct application to dogs older than 12 weeks.
This is an all-encompassing product for both prevention and treatment of all the pests that plague your pooch. It utilizes a host of natural ingredients that make it safe for contact with both humans and dogs.
Puppies under 12 weeks will need a different treatment, since this is guaranteed safe only for older doggos. Additionally, some consumers complain that it’s not quite as effective as products with conventional active ingredients.
7. Wondercide Natural Flea, Tick and Mosquito Spray
About: Weed out pests before they bother your pup and home with Wondercide Natural Flea, Tick, and Mosquito Spray. Advertised to stop fleas, ticks, mosquitos and more dead in their tracks, it’s safe for pets and intended for use in your yard.
- KILLS & REPELS. A flea and tick yard treatment and preventative, this pest-repellent spray is...
- SPRAY & PLAY! Safe around cats, dogs and people of all ages when used as directed, with no wait time...
- TREATS UP TO 5,000 SQUARE FEET. Can be safely used on lawns, gardens, grass, patios, dog kennels,...
- NO NASTY INGREDIENTS. No artificial colors, fragrances or harsh pesticides. Made in the USA from...
Features: This spray should be utilized in your yard to keep pest populations low and keep biting bugs from coming in your home. One treatment every 30 to 45 days is recommended to maintain its effectiveness. It comes with an attachment for your garden hose to easily treat your entire yard.
Active Ingredients: Cedarwood oil
Effective Against: Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and other unwanted bugs
Safe for: Outdoor use only, but safe for your dog to walk and play on after application
This spray appears to repel the pests in your yard that make your pet’s life miserable, hopefully before they make it to your pet’s fur. Additionally, it’s advertised to be safe for bees passing through your yard.
This spray is definitely more of a preventative option than a treatment, so if you’re dealing with an infestation you’ll certainly need to a different option to treat the symptoms and get rid of the issue.
8. Frontline Flea & Tick Spray
About: Frontline Flea & Tick Spray is a topical spray used to eliminate existing fleas and ticks and prevent recurring infestation by killing new fleas as they hatch. The active ingredient, fipronil, is a broad-spectrum insecticide that has been shown to last up to one month on a dog’s coat.
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Features: This flea spray is safe for dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens per the manufacturer. Made in France, this waterproof formula is designed to be fast acting to give quick relief from biting bugs.
Frontline Spray is available over-the-counter, without the need for a prescription.
Active Ingredients: Fipronil
Effective Against: Fleas, ticks, and chewing lice
Safe for: Dogs and cats over 8 weeks of age
Because of its all-around safety with dogs and cats, it’s an ideal pick for multi-species fur families. Ease of use is another plus — just spray on your pup and let it dry. You don’t have to worry about exact placement between the shoulder blades like spot-on topicals.
This product only kills fleas after they’ve hatched from their eggs — it is ineffective against eggs themselves.
9. Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray
About: From the company that brings your pet one of the best preventative sprays comes one of the top options for prevention outside the home. Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray uses natural ingredients and essential oils to treat your dog’s yard and kennel to avoid fleas and other pests altogether.
- FLEA & TICK SPRAY FOR YARD & KENNEL: Protect your yard and kennel from fleas, ticks, and mosquitos...
- EASY TO USE: Our flea and tick spray for yard and kennel, featuring a ready-to-use hose attachment,...
- CERTIFIED NATURAL: Our flea & tick treatment for dogs uses certified natural plant-based ingredients...
- PROVEN EFFECTIVE: Our flea and tick spray is scientifically proven to be effective in killing and...
Features: Without causing damage to your plants or your pets, you can use the attachment with your garden hose to protect your yard from dog-biting pests. It’s primarily intended to be used as a preventative option, as it is safe for use around dogs, but it shouldn’t be applied directly to their fur.
Active Ingredients: Peppermint oil, eugenol, and sodium lauryl sulfate
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, ticks, and mosquitoes
Safe for: Use in the yard or your dog’s kennel
This versatile product is useful for both prevention and treatment, and its active ingredients are safe for your pets and family. It’s also relatively easy to use — simply attach it to your hose and start spraying!
This yard spray will need to be used in conjunction with other products if you’re dealing with an infestation, as it’s not meant to be applied directly on your pet.
Important Note from Veterinarian Jo de Klerk:
Even though Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray contends that the product is safe for use around cats, it contains peppermint oil, which can be fatal to cats.
Accordingly, we don’t recommend using it in our around homes with feline family members.
10. PETARMOR Home and Carpet
About: PETARMOR Home and Carpet is another effective spray to have in your arsenal when it comes to protecting your home and pets. This spray is an easy and effective way to help control all of the worst pests that plague your pet and home.
- PetArmor Home and Carpet Spray continuously kills ticks, fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae for up to...
- This flea and tick home spray reaches fleas hidden in carpets, rugs, drapes, baseboards, upholstered...
- Flea and tick control also effectively kills bedbugs, lice, and dust mites
- Flea spray disrupts the flea life cycle by preventing the development of adult fleas
Features: This spray is advertised to kill fleas and other pests in your home, including mites and ticks. It is also manufactured with a fresh scent, so it works as a two-in-one odor eliminator inside your house.
Active Ingredients: Pyriproxyfen
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, dust mites, ticks, bed bugs, and lice
Safe for: Use in the home only; not intended to be applied directly to a pet
This spray is a strong anti-pest option, so if you’re dealing with a nightmarish infestation and need something a bit stronger than the average spray, this is a great choice. Pet owners report that it works like a charm at killing fleas and their cohorts.
Unlike similar sprays, this option uses conventional flea-killing ingredients, so you’ll want to be extra careful to avoid direct contact after applying.

The Best Topical (One-Spot / Spot-On) Flea Treatments
Topical one-spot (also called spot-on) treatments are very effective and easy to use — simply apply them to your dog’s coat once a month to keep your four-footer free of fleas.
11. Bayer K9 Advantix II
About: When it comes to flea and tick prevention drops, Bayer K9 Advantix II takes the top spot. Working as both a treatment and a preventative medication, this option will solve most of the pest woes your pet experiences.
- K9 Advantix II Extra Large Dog 30-day treatment & prevention protects dogs over 55 lbs. from fleas,...
- Kills fleas within 12 hours of application
- Vet-recommended formula kills & repels on contact so fleas don’t have to bite your dog to die
- Easy-to-apply topical treatment is fragrance-free and waterproof after 24 hours
Features: Bayer K9 Advantix II is sold in packages of two doses, and only one is needed per month. Pests won’t need to bite your dog for this product to work — they only need to land on him, and they’re goners.
This product provides a strong defense against flea infestations, but it also works for ticks, mosquitoes, and lice.
Active Ingredients: Imidacloprid, permethrin, pyriproxyfen
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, ticks, mosquitoes, and lice
Safe for: Dogs older than 7 weeks
This is a great option for dogs who spend a lot of time outdoors, enjoying activities like hiking or hunting. It protects against all the pests your pup might run into while outside. Additionally, your pet will only need one convenient monthly dose.
There aren’t many downsides to this product. However, like other topical flea killers, application can occasionally be a bit messy.
12. Bayer Advantage II
About: If you need a product to knock out fleas and fleas alone, Bayer Advantage II is a viable option. This monthly treatment works quickly and provides lasting and effective protection from biting fleas.
- Vet recommended flea treatment and prevention for dogs at weighing 21 to 55 lbs., at least 7 weeks...
- Kills adult fleas, flea larvae and flea eggs for total flea prevention and treatment
- Same-day effectiveness, kills fleas within 12 hours of application and keeps working for 30 days
- Easy-to-apply topical treatment, no prescription needed
Features: Bayer Advantage II is designed to kill flea eggs, larvae, and adults, as soon as they come into contact with your pet’s coat — they needn’t bite your pet first. It won’t, however, provide protection against ticks or most other biting bugs.
The medication is designed to be easy to apply, it’s sold in packages of one, two, four, or six doses, and only one dose is needed per month.
Active Ingredients: Imidacloprid, pyriproxyfen
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, lice
Safe for: Dogs older than 7 weeks.
The product is effective as a prevention and treatment. Additionally, it’s easy to use this flea-killer on a consistent basis, which can help you and your dog avoid flea problems altogether.
Some consumers note that this product takes a while to start killing fleas. It’s advertised to start working 12 hours after application, so it might not be the best option if your pooch needs immediate relief.
13. Frontline Plus
About: A popular option for pest prevention and flea-killing protection is Frontline Plus. Fleas, ticks, and lice are no match for this product’s powerful active ingredients.
- Keep your dog protected from fleas & ticks all month long with FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs a...
- Break the flea life cycle with FRONTLINE Plus, specially formulated with fipronil and (S)-methoprene...
- Trusted by pet owners for over 20 years, FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs can be used on puppies as young as...
- FRONTLINE Plus also comes in a formula designed for cats and kittens eight weeks of age and older,...
Features: Sold in three dose packages, Frontline Plus offers a monthly dose of topical treatment to treat and protect your pet from fleas at all life stages. That means it’ll not only kill the adult fleas biting your pooch, but also the eggs and larvae lurking around too.
Frontline Plus is also waterproof, so you can still bathe your pooch while using this product or let him go swimming at the local pool.
Active Ingredients: Fipronil, (s)-methoprene
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, ticks and lice
Safe for: Dogs older than 8 weeks
Consumers praise the value of this topical treatment, as well as its effectiveness at killing fleas. Also, like most other topical flea killers, Frontline Plus is very easy to apply.
The packaging is a bit more difficult to manage than similar topical treatments. Unlike competitors with a screw-off top, the Frontline Plus treatment is sold in a snap-off package, so it’s more likely to make a mess and get all over your hands.
14. Advecta 3 Flea & Tick Treatment
About: If you’re looking for flea and tick drops for dogs, and you’re on a tight budget, give Advecta 3 Flea & Tick Treatment a try. This product combats all of the pests that bother your pooch at a lower cost than most similar products.
- BREAK THE FLEA LIFE CYCLE: Effectively breaks the flea life cycle by killing all life stages of...
- ACTIVE INGREDIENTS THAT WORK: Contains the same active ingredients as Bayer K9 Advantix II for Dogs...
- FLEA TREATMENT FOR DOGS: Kills fleas and lice within 12 hours of drops application, and prevents...
- 5 WAY PROTECTION FOR DOGS: Advecta Ultra for Dogs provides 5 way protection against fleas, ticks,...
Features: Sold in packages of four, these waterproof topical treatments go to work fast and last for a month. They’re easy to apply to your dog’s coat and work much like several other products, which brandish more expensive price tags.
One of the most appealing aspects of this product is that it kills pests as soon as they touch your pet, so your dog won’t have to be bit by bugs to find relief.
Active Ingredients: Imidacloprid, permethrin, pyriproxyfen
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, ticks, lice, mosquitoes, and flies
Safe for: Dogs older than 7 months and greater than 5 pounds
Advecta is a low-cost option that utilizes the same active ingredients as competitors. Most owners found that it worked very well and helped keep their dog free of fleas and other biting bugs. Additionally, the manufacturer describes the medication as waterproof, making it a great choice for dogs who love to swim.
While many consumers found this product effective, some noted that it wasn’t as effective as it’s pricier competitors. Additionally, some buyers also complained about the product’s funky odor and greasy texture that lingers long after application.
About: Another top topical option that is effective and affordable is PETARMOR Plus. This one-spot treatment kills fleas at all life stages, along with ticks and lice, and it lasts for a month after you’ve applied it.
- EFFECTIVE, WATERPROOF FLEA TREATMENT FOR DOGS: PetArmor Plus is a waterproof, flea & tick topical...
- TRUSTED, VET QUALITY* FORMULA: Containing fipronil and (S)-methoprene, the same active ingredients...
- BREAK THE FLEA CYCLE: Unlike other flea and tick treatments that may temporarily suppress flea...
- FAST ACTNG LONG-LASTING FLEA AND TICK PROTECTION: One application of PetArmor Plus lasts up to 30...
Features: PETARMOR Plus works like most other topical flea treatments — simply open the package, dispense the gel on your pet’s coat, and get ready to enjoy a flea-free four-footer!
PETARMOR Plus is sold in packs of three or six, and it starts protecting your pooch from fleas, ticks, and lice within 24 hours. It’s waterproof, so you won’t have to hold off on baths or swimming, and it lasts for about one month after you first apply it.
Active Ingredients: Fipronil, (s)-methoprene
Effective Against: Fleas, ticks, and lice
Safe for: Dogs older than 8 weeks
This medicine is very effective at killing fleas, and PETARMOR guarantees that it will also work against most types of ticks, making it one of the top parasite-killing products for dogs.
Some consumers note that the quality of PETARMOR Plus isn’t quite as high as competitors. Some complained that it’s not quite as effective, while others complained that it didn’t kill fleas particularly quickly.
Best Flea Collars for Dogs
Flea collars aren’t as popular as they used to be, but they’re still a very effective and convenient flea treatment solution for some owners and pets.

16. eZOOlife Glow ECO Pest Control Collar
About: Owners of dogs who are active at all hours will want to give special consideration to eZOOlife Glow ECO Pest Control Collar. Not only does it protect against fleas and ticks, but it also glows in the dark to make your pet more visible at night.
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Features: This glow-in-the-dark collar provides 8 months of protection, it’s waterproof, and it repels fleas, ticks, mosquitos, and lice.
Many owners are especially fond of the eZoolife ECO Pest Control Collar because it uses all-natural, plant-based ingredients, rather than conventional insecticides.
This collar is only sold in one size, which is appropriate for dogs with neck circumferences of up to 24.5 inches. You should then trim off any excess length, to prevent your dog from chewing on the collar.
Active Ingredients: Citronella oil, lemon oil, peppermint oil, clove oil, geranium oil
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, ticks, mosquitoes, and lice
Safe for: Adult dogs
This collar exceeded the expectations of many consumers — it doesn’t contain any synthetic chemicals and it glows in the dark, making it an excellent flea collar option.
Some owners report that it takes a long time for this collar to work effectively. Additionally, consumers complain about the stability of the quick-release latch, and report that the collar slipped off frequently. Also, like all products containing essential oils, it should not be used around cats. Additionally, essential oils may irritate your dog’s nose.
17. Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs
About: If you’re looking for one of the longest-lasting dog flea medicine options, then Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs might just be the answer. Designed to provide up to 8 months of protection, the Seresto Collar is one of the top options out there.
- Vet-recommended, premium flea & tick protection for dogs & puppies without the price tag
- Long-lasting flea and tick collar kills & repels fleas for 8 continuous months
- Seresto is the #1 veterinarian recommended flea & tick collar*
- Starts working within 24 hours to kill & repel fleas by contact so pests don’t have to bite your...
Features: This flea collar utilizes conventional flea-killing ingredients, so it provides excellent protection for your pooch. Notably, it doesn’t have the awful smell or texture that some other treatments do.
The Seresto Collar causes fleas to die instantly once they touch your dog, so he doesn’t have to be bitten for the product to take effect. Additionally, this collar is effective against a range of different biting bugs, including ticks, mange mites, and lice.
Active Ingredients: Imidacloprid, flumethrin
Effective Against: Fleas, ticks, sarcoptic mange, and lice
Safe for: Adult dogs
Seresto provides a long lasting flea-killing option that can even help with mange and lice. It’s a super simple and easy-to-use, yet highly effective way to treat your dog for pests of all kinds.
Since one collar lasts for such a long time, it’s a bit on the pricier side in comparison with other flea collars and treatments.
18. Hartz UltraGuard Flea & Tick Collar
About: If you’re on a budget and your pooch needs a flea collar, the most cost-effective option is HARTZ UltraGuard Flea & Tick Collar. This affordably priced option protects your dog for up to 7 months against fleas and ticks.
- Fresh scented
- Kills and repels fleas and ticks for 7 months. Can be worn simultaneously with your dog's regular...
- Water-resistant design won't cause loss of effectiveness if your playful pup takes a stroll in the...
- Fits dogs with necks that measure up to 26 inches
Features: The Hartz Collar is a waterproof collar, which won’t cost you very much money at all. It is effective against both fleas and ticks, and it is scented to help prevent your dog from smelling gross while wearing it.
This collar is sold in one size, but it comes with an adjustable buckle to keep it snug. Note that this collar measures 26 inches in length, which is slightly longer than many similar flea and tick dog collars. This means it may be perfect for dogs who’re too large for some other collars.
Active Ingredients: Tetrachlorvinphos
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages and ticks
Safe for: Puppies older than 12 weeks
Given its low price, this is a pretty effective option for flea prevention. Consumers seem satisfied with the efficiency of the collar, and noted that it went to work quickly.
The advertised “fresh scent” is a divisive factor for this collar, as some consumers loved it and some hated the artificial odor.
Flea-Killing Shampoos for Dogs
Flea shampoos are a great way to knock the majority of fleas off your dog during a severe infestation, and they can also make a good on-going treatment strategy in some cases.

19. Advantage Shampoo Flea and Tick Treatment
About: A nice soothing bath is often just the ticket to provide a welcome relief from a flea infestation. Advantage Shampoo Flea and Tick Treatment is a top shampoo option to kill fleas and soothe your pooch’s scratchy skin.
- Advantage Flea & Tick Treatment Shampoo for Dogs & Puppies kills fleas and ticks on contact
- Dog shampoo cleans and conditions your dog's coat without the need for a prescription
- Effective flea shampoo for dogs and puppies 12 weeks and older
- Lathering shampoo formula helps make sure you treat every inch of your pet for complete and...
Features: This shampoo will not only wash off most of the bugs clinging to your pet, but it also provides lasting action, as it will kill fleas, ticks and lice for one week after use.
This Bayer-manufactured shampoo is sold in quantities of 8-, 12-, and 24-ounce. Note that the manufacturer encourages owners to use this product alongside additional treatments for total protection.
Active Ingredients: Pyrethrins, piperonyl butoxide, n-octyl bicycloheptine dicarboximide
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, lice and ticks
Safe for: Puppies older than 12 weeks
Consumers seemed very satisfied with this product —most praised its flea-killing properties and ease of use. It’s also nice that this product works against several types of biting bugs.
You’ll still need to treat your home for fleas if you’re dealing with a severe infestation. Like all shampoos, this will only take care of the ones that come into contact with your dog.
20. Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Flea and Tick Shampoo
About: Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Flea and Tick Shampoo is another great shampoo option when it comes to dog flea treatment. Its soothing scent is a welcome bonus, and its highly effective ingredients should easily take care of your flea problems.
- MAXIMUM FLEA & TICK CONTROL – With up to 3x more active ingredients, this flea and tick shampoo is...
- WORKS FAST – Give your pet relief from symptoms including droppings/flea dirt in dog’s coat,...
- SOAP AND PARABEN FREE – This flea and tick shampoo for dogs and cats is paraben and soap-free. It...
- FORMULATED FOR PETS – This pet shampoo is safe for dogs, cats, ferrets and horses 12 weeks &...
Features: This flea shampoo, unlike some competitors, comes with clear instructions as to how to most effectively apply it — you’ll have to leave it on your pup to sit for at least five minutes for maximum effect.
This flea shampoo is safe for dogs older than 12 weeks of age. Note that although the product says it is safe for cats and other animals, it contains pyrethrins, which are very dangerous for cats.
Active Ingredients: Pyrethrins, piperonyl butoxide, n-octyl bicycloheptine dicarboximide
Effective Against: Fleas and ticks
Safe for: Dogs older than 12 weeks
Despite some issues with the labeling (it should not be used around cats), this is an effective flea shampoo for dogs that most owners found easy to use.
It may not be the best option for dogs with sensitive skin. Some consumers reported that their pup suffered from skin irritation after using this shampoo. It should not be used by owners who also have cats.
21. Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo with Precor
About: The Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo with Precor offers a nice-smelling, soothing shampoo to keep your pup flea free all year long.
- KILLS ADULT FLEAS & FLEA EGGS - Provides flea treatment, killing adult fleas and flea eggs on your...
- KILLS TICKS - Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo With Precor kills ticks on contact.
- KILLS LICE - Lice travel on pets, too, and Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo With Precor kills lice on...
- SENSITIVE SKIN FORMULA - Formulated with soothing aloe vera, lanolin, coconut extract, and oatmeal...
Features: This shampoo is not only designed to kill adult fleas, but larvae and eggs too. It is also effective against some other parasites, including ticks and lice.
Adams Plus Shampoo is a “sensitive skin formula” which includes natural ingredients to soothe the inflamed skin that often follows an infestation, alongside the active ingredients to deter fleas.
This shampoo is bottled with a pump, which makes bathing your doggo much easier than some other options.
Although the product says it is safe for cats and other animals, it contains pyrethrins, which are very dangerous for your feline family members.
Active Ingredients: Pyrethrins, piperonyl butoxide, s-methoprene
Effective Against: Fleas at all life stages, ticks and lice
Safe for: Dogs older than 12 weeks
For pets miserable from scratching, this shampoo provides a soothing, much-needed break from the irritation. Additionally, many owners reported that it smells very nice, unlike some of the other flea shampoos on the market.
Though it may be soothing for your pup to finally have relief from pesky fleas, some consumers note that it is not as effective as other treatment options, despite it working well as a shampoo. While your pup may be fresh and clean, you may need something a bit stronger if you’re inundated with pests.
22. Hartz Flea & Tick Shampoo
About: Another shampoo that kills fleas and ticks through contact, Hartz Flea & Tick Shampoo is a great option if you’re shampoo shopping on a budget.
- Age Range Description: All Ages
- Included Components: Hartz Ultraguard Rid Flea & Tick Shampoo For Dogs - Fresh Scent (18 Oz)
Features: Like other shampoos, this product is perfect for trying to get a flea problem under control quickly. Additionally, this shampoo can be used as much as once weekly to provide on-going relief from fleas and ticks.
It’s also a low-cost option that not only helps keep your pet free of pesky bugs, it also comes in a variety of scents to avoid offending your nose. Some of the scents also feature skin-soothing additives, such as oatmeal or aloe.
Active Ingredients: Phenothrin
Effective Against: Fleas and ticks
Safe for: Puppies older than 6 months
This shampoo not only works, it also comes in a lot of different varieties to suit your pet’s needs — if he is miserable from scratching, you might opt for the versions with the extra soothing ingredients.
Some owners report that this option is less effective than other products, and some even reported that their pups had a reaction to the ingredients causing hair loss in some cases.
23. Sentry Flea & Tick Shampoo with Oatmeal
About: Sentry Flea & Tick Shampoo with Oatmeal might be the most soothing option for scratching pups. Just like it does for us humans, oatmeal is a soothing additive for a dog’s bath and works great for dogs with sensitive skin.
- CLEANS AND CONTROLS: SENTRY oatmeal shampoo cleans, deodorizes and conditions your dog's coat, and...
- IDEAL FOR DOGS: This rich, conditioning formula with oatmeal kills pests that can harm your pet....
- RID YOUR DOG OF FLEAS: SENTRY Flea and Tick Oatmeal Shampoo for dogs and puppies has a great...
- FLEAS: Fleas are insects that can start your pet scratching with one bite. They have exceptional...
Features: As the name implies, this shampoo is made with oatmeal to promote good skin health. It is easy to apply, and it is safe for use with puppies older than 12 weeks of age.
Most importantly, this shampoo kills fleas and ticks for as long as 10 days after the initial bath. It comes with a Hawaiian Ginger scent, so your pup with not only feel better, he’ll smell great too.
Active Ingredients: Permethrin, piperonyl butoxide
Effective Against: Fleas and ticks
Safe for: Puppies older than 12 weeks
Many owners were very happy with this shampoo’s ability to quickly kill fleas. But besides its flea-killing properties, it also appears to do wonders for most doggo coats.
This product does not specifically mention that it eradicates eggs and larvae, so there’s a good chance that fleas may reappear and require additional treatment.
Fleas are one of the worst nightmares in a dog-owning household, especially for those of us with multiple pets. Fortunately, there are plenty of effective, safe flea-killing products available.
Did we cover your go-to flea treatment? Let us know your tried and true remedies in the comments below!
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