Comments on: Dog Walking Games: How to Spice Up Your Dog’s Daily Walk! Your Dog Care Resource For a Healthier, Happier Canine! Sat, 10 Aug 2019 09:25:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Working on dog's focus Sat, 10 Aug 2019 09:25:28 +0000 my name is Eric, and i found your article from google. The best takeaway from this article is about the advise on taking the dog to dog park. I do have some parks around my home and I will be making sure to take my dog to the part from now on regularly. Earlier I would do it only occasionally and without any routine. Thanks once again.

By: Kayla M Fratt Sun, 29 Jul 2018 22:48:11 +0000 In reply to Jenny Haskins.

Those are really great tips, Jenny! Thanks for adding them in.

By: Jenny Haskins Sun, 29 Jul 2018 04:04:21 +0000 PS. Because I have mobility issues, I also prefer to take our walks somewhere where I can sit down. Ideally it is somewhere where there will be passers by and interesting other things to observe. Remember that walks are for the brain every bit as much (if not more so) as for the body. You CAN physically exercise a dog on a treadmill or with a good game of ball retrieving.

By: Jenny Haskins Sun, 29 Jul 2018 03:59:34 +0000 For hyperactive working dogs (aka Herding dogs in the US) I’ve found that back-yard agility and barrel racing are Godsends. You Do need access to a safe off-leash area. You can make light portable jumps out of PVC, or for barrel racing you need three thingies for the dog to run around. With my dogs I found it best to use something that they cannot jump up onto (into?). You do NOT need a particularly large yard to do these activities — of course they are easier with smaller dogs I began with my dogs with broomstick lying across from two upturned plastic buckets.
In wet/hot weather I have also found ‘find-it’ games inside the house help.
I also find that varying just where you walk (when you do go for a walk) helps enormously. Just walking around the same old suburban block is as boring for your dog as it is for you. I usually drive somewhere where there is a pleasant walk for me and an interesting walk for the dog 🙂
