The Saint Bernard pup is a huge package of love, loyalty, and unending playfulness.
Mixing his bloodlines with those of other breeds results in some surprising cross-breeds, of which we’ve compiled a list of below. Have a look at our best Bernard choices and let us know which one is your favorite!
1. Wouldn’t you just love becoming the owner of this majestic Saint Dane – a mix between a Saint Bernard and Great Dane?

2. These beautiful, curly locks belong to a St. Berdoodle which has a combination Saint Bernard and Poodle bloodline.

3. Have a look at this stunning St. Bernese, which is a cross between a Saint Bernard and Bernese Mountain dog.

4. This sad looking mug belongs to the Saint Bernard and Boxer hybrid, aptly named a Saint Berxer.

5. Not sure if the Saint Bermastiff requires a saddle or a leash, but this amazing dog has a mix of Saint Bernard and English Mastiff genes.

6. This cutie is heir to the Saint Bernard and German Shepherd lineage.

7. This snow baby is a mix-up of a Saint Bernard and Husky.

8. Slobbery kisses are all you’ll ever receive from the St. Pyrenees, a combo Saint Bernard and Great Pyrenees.

9. “You said what?” This intimidating stare belongs to a Saint Bernard and Pitbull crossbreed.

10. It’s just love and cuddles on the menu from the St. Newfie –Â a Saint Bernard and Newfoundland mix.

And so we’ve reached the end of our compilation of our favorite Saint Bernard mixed breeds. Please leave us a comment on which hybrid you love the most, and don’t forget to post a photo of your own Saintly cross!
Note: At K9 of Mine, we recognize that designer dogs are a controversial issue. We always advocate for smart, responsible breeding. Please keep in mind that this article is not meant to be breeding advice or guidance, but rather simply a fun way to show some of the different shapes and sizes our favorite canines come in.
Images and descriptions are created with the help of user-uploaded content across the web. Unfortunately, there are very few official resources regarding cross-breed dogs, so information collected comes from users. If you disagree with one of the image descriptions or breeds, let us know – we’d love to hear your opinions in the comments!
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