Why Does My Dog Lick the Carpet? 

Dog Behavior


Ben Team


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why does my dog lick carpet

As pet owners, we accept the fact that our dogs do strange things — it’s part of their charm.

Some dogs chase their tails, while others like to roll around in the foulest smelling thing they can find in the back yard. My normally fearless Rottie is absolutely petrified of plastic grocery bags.

There’s one especially strange behavior that seems to be part of the domestic dog’s DNA: licking the carpet.

Reasons Your Dog May Be Licking the Carpet

It may seem a little weird to us that our dogs lick the carpet, but there are some pretty reasonable explanations from your dog’s perspective. And figuring out why your dog is licking the carpet is your first step in putting a stop to it!

Something tasty or interesting was spilled on the carpet.

Our dog interact with the world differently than us humans do. Whereas we are primarily visual creatures, dogs depend far more heavily on their sense of smell and taste to learn about the world around them.

Accordingly, they’ll readily taste and sniff novel items, instead of giving them the kind of visual inspection you or I would.

Many dogs are also simply obsessed with food. Even a small drop of mayo on the carpet from your sandwich may be worthy of a thorough investigation.

Your dog is feeling anxious, depressed or bored.

Emotional distress can manifest in a number of different ways, and because dogs use their mouths to learn about and interact with the world, things like destructive chewing and carpet licking can arise from emotional distress.

Similarly, canine dementia, physical pain and neurological problems can also cause your dog to spend extended periods licking the floor.

Your dog has a gastrointestinal disease or issue

Historically, researchers and veterinarians have considered floor licking to be a behavioral or emotional issue. However, a 2008 study found a strong connection between gastrointestinal disease and excessive licking syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome, giardiasis, delayed gastric emptying, foreign bodies and chronic pancreatitis have all been documented to occur in some floor-licking pups.

start with a vet check

If your dog’s carpet licking seems out of the ordinary, a vet check should be your first order of business to rule out any medical issues.

This is often true for behavior issue too — there’s always the possibility that your dog is acting grumpier than usual and getting growly due to pain or discomfort you aren’t even aware of. So when in doubt, start with a vet consultation!

Excessive Licking Syndrome: What Does It Mean?

Many dogs lick the occasional carpet, but some dogs are such dedicated floor lickers that veterinarians have coined a termexcessive licking syndrome – for the condition.

Afflicted dogs don’t limit their licking behavior to the floor – they may lick virtually any surface in your home, including the walls, furniture and their own crate.

It is important to distinguish between isolated instances of floor-licking behavior and the nearly constant, obsessive licking that characterizes excessive licking syndrome. While the former is rarely any cause for concern, the latter can be indicative of serious health problems.

Is Carpet Licking a Serious Problem?

Your dog is going to lick a lot of things over the course of her life, and there’s not a whole lot you can do to stop her from doing so.

Yes, there is a small chance she could ingest something harmful, like a long carpet fiber, a harmful residue or pathogenic bacteria. But the odds of such eventualities are rather low for dogs that only engage in casual and infrequent licking.

why dog licking floor

On the other hand, dogs that constantly lick the carpet or floor are at an increased risk for gobbling up something dangerous. Your dog may lick up enough fibers to clog up her digestive tract, or she may lap up dangerous substances, which can cause her to fall ill.

The size and health status of your dog also factors into the issue. For example, a 5-pound Chihuahua may suffer a serious intestinal obstruction from swallowing a long carpet fiber, but a 150-pound Great Dane may pass the same fiber without issue.

Additionally, smaller animals are more likely to get sick from germs or hazardous products that may be on the floor.

be careful about your cleaners

If you have a dog who is constantly licking the floor, you may also need to be particularly careful to use a pet-safe floor cleaner to avoid your dog licking up toxic ingredients.

How to Stop Your Dog From Licking the Carpet

With a little trial and error, you can probably stop isolated cases of floor- or carpet-licking behavior, however, more serious cases will require veterinary attention.

Some potential solutions may include:

  • Spraying surfaces your dog likes to lick with a deterrent, such as Grannick’s Bitter Apple spray or Bohdi Dog’s Bitter Lemon Spray. These and similar products may stop your dog from licking the carpet, but you should always test such products on an inconspicuous area of the carpet first, to ensure they won’t cause discoloration.
  • Being more careful about crumbs and spill You’re not a kid anymore, and this isn’t your college dorm – clean up your place and stop seeding your carpet with delicious morsels. You can’t blame a dog for taking advantage of those tasty crumbs! Dogs are always going to be scoping for food, that’s just how they’re built!
  • Increasing the amount of exercise and enrichment your dog enjoys. Many behavioral problems arise from insufficient exercise and stimulation, so by simply lengthening your pup’s walks, tossing the ball for a few more minutes each day, or incorporating more puzzle toys to burn off mental energy, you may be able to stop the behavior altogether.
  • Veterinary care may be necessary to eliminate the underlying problem. If your dog’s floor-licking habits are the result of a medical issue, you’ll need to address the problem with your vet to have any chance of rectifying the licking issue.
  • Give them something better to lick, like a treat-stuffed Kong toy or a puppy popsicle. Some dogs really need to perform that natural licking motion, so just give them a better outlet for it!

While it won’t help much with licking, we also recommend purchasing a short-haired rug that’s more suited for pet ownership. That, along with a strong pet vacuum, will help keep your home clean and tidy despite dogs running around!


Have you ever had to deal with a dog that can’t stop licking the furniture? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below. Let us know if your vet was able to determine the cause and what steps you took to fix the problem.

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Ben Team

Ben is the managing editor for K9 of Mine and has spent most of his adult life working as a wildlife educator and animal-care professional. Ben’s had the chance to work with hundreds of different species, but his favorite animals have always been dogs. He currently lives in Atlanta, GA with his spoiled-rotten Rottweiler named J.B. Chances are, she’s currently giving him the eyes and begging to go to the park.

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  1. Annette Avatar

    Our dig started licking the sheets and tile floor. The dr thought it maybe his teeth but bloodwork shows his kidneys are failing. She said it’s a phosphorus imbalance caused by the kidneys. Give him 1/4 tsp mylanta daily. It helped for about 1 week. He’s 14 yrs old. We did IV fluids 2 x a week for 6 weeks. He’s lost some weight. Nit sure what else we can do.

    1. Ben Team Avatar

      Sorry to hear about your pooch, Annette. But we appreciate you sharing your story.

  2. JUDY Doolittle Avatar
    JUDY Doolittle

    I am worried about my male 7 year old mix terrior. About a year ago he started going around like picking at the carpet with his mouth going around looking at the wood floors and taking his mouth like he is trying to find something on the wood floors are the carpet. He acts like he is looking for food but he is way over weight and I don’t believe he is hungry because I have offered him food at the time he is doing this strange behavior. It is like he is posssesed looking for something all over the place. He sometimes makes a funny noise as he pours over the carpet and hardwood floors. I will get on to him and he acts like I caught him doing something wrong. What could he be looking for.

    1. Ben Team Avatar

      Hey, Judy.
      If his behavior is truly out of the ordinary, it’s always a good idea to run it by your vet just to rule out medical causes first.

      But assuming it’s not health related, he could be hearing or smelling something beneath the carpet/floor. This could be anything from some old food residue on the carpet to rodents or termites living in the floors. You’ll just have to do some homework and try to figure it out, but unfortunately owners often struggle to figure out the exact cause of a lot of weird doggo behaviors.

      Bottom line: As long as he’s healthy and doesn’t seem to be bothered by it, we wouldn’t worry.

      Best of luck with your detective work!

  3. David Zink Avatar
    David Zink

    12’year old german shedder constantly licks my fulton mattress that we use to watch tv. I mean he soaks it. He’ll do it constantly as I brush him. I don’t see it an issue as he seems happy. But his hind legs are raoidly deteriating.

  4. Debra Firmaniuk Avatar
    Debra Firmaniuk

    My dog licks the carpet sometimes but she also licks any chair I sit in and even my pillow?

  5. Mohsin Ayubi Avatar
    Mohsin Ayubi

    thank u very much. this was helpful. I am gonna try it with my puppy. I have a 1-year-old puppy. She pees in the house even though she is house-trained, I don’t know the reason behind it. I found an article online-https://mytrainedpet.com/how-to-stop-your-dog-from-peeing-in-the-house/, which suggests methods to stop your dog from peeing in the house. Could you take a look at this article and tell me whether it will work or not? If not, then how else can I stop my dog from peeing in the house? Any help would be appreciated.

    1. Ben Team Avatar

      Hey there, Mohsin.
      I have a better idea — just check out our article on housetraining!
      Best of luck!

  6. Connie Caraway Avatar
    Connie Caraway

    I have a 15 year old beagle mix. I am not able to walk her anymore due to illness. Mine. She has an enlarged liver and numerous small lumps on her. She has always licked, but is doing it more and more now. She has a doggie door and can go out when needed. About six months ago we got her a companion dog, thinking this might give her more exercise playing and it does, but it is twice her size. Any one have any more ideas to stop the licking

  7. Buddy Avatar

    My toy poodle licks the carpet if I’m using my rainmate air purifier or if his tummy is upset

  8. Jennifer Avatar

    My husband of more than 17 years passed away in January of 2017. We had already lost our other 2 big dogs, a black lab with German shepherd mix who had a tag-a-long that we saved several years later & just latched on to him like a little brother & followed him everywhere, a small 120 lb. Newfoundland. But when our lab/shepard mix dog had to be put down, it was just 3 1/2 months later that our Newfoundland got Cancer & died, such a fluke of a thing but not at all surprising either since we saw he couldn’t make it without his brother, even though we had our new “saved” lab/pit bull mix who was just as sweet & a precious new cat to add to the family!

    Well, I typed in a question & read thru some responses to why my remaining dog licks incessantly, mainly the carpet, her bed or when I’m being nice & let her get up on the couch, she’ll even lick that! Dogs always lick but I’ve never had a dog who licked as much as my baby Figgy & now I’m wondering if perhaps it could be that perhaps she’s joining me in mourning, since these last 2 years have been rather rough for me, as I’m on my own for the first time in a while and I’m now getting older & not working any longer. I have some disabilities so there’s times when I can’t do everything on my own now and have to get help & my dog has been like my rock through all of this and I can’t imagine her not being by my side for everything. We get the mail together, check the oil on the car together, we garden together, it’s always been the 2 of us! She hasn’t played with any of her toys since she was a puppy but that’s been quite a while ago, since many years before my husband passed away, she’s 7 now.

    The only thing I can think of to do would be to try those taste “sprays” that would keep her from licking things that I prefer her to not to & if that doesn’t deter her then maybe a visit to the vet will be required. I would hate to lose her, knowing it was something I could have prevented, after all we’ve been through!

    As I’m typing this, I’ve had to clear my throat several times, (which is MY way of) nonchalantly letting her know I’m getting irritated with her costant licking! I don’t believe it’s productive to yell at animals (or children or anyone!) to get something accomplished when it can be done in a much better way that’s much more loving & you can make it fun or laugh or somehow make it seem like a game or a learning lesson.

    Any comments or suggestions are welcome! Take care!

    1. Meg Marrs Avatar

      Hi Jennifer – I’d definitely try some treat-dispensing toys to give your dog something better to do than lick. She might be bored or stressed and self-soothing. My dog adores the Starmark treat dispensing ball – he rolls it around and treats come out. You might also try a snuffle mat, as sniffing is a soothing exercise for dogs. Good luck!

  9. Alex Avatar

    If your dog hasn’t typically licked carpets and suddenly starts doing it, bring them to the vet. Our dog soon progressed to trying to eat dirt, and her kidneys has essentially stopped functioning. We had to say goodbye to her today — it was a very rapid decline.

  10. Judi Gill Avatar
    Judi Gill

    I have four dogs all different breeds and they all lick the carpet in different areas of the house. constantly. Are they lacking a vitamin? The area they are licking is absolutely clean.

  11. Carolyn Smith Avatar
    Carolyn Smith

    What kind of people food should a dog not eat?

    1. Andrew Avatar

      All of it.

  12. Marian Campo Avatar

    I have been worried my baby is acting like that . Went outside and ate grass and came inside and up chucked a bunch of hair ….. I have my luggage out leavings in the am . Just let Daddy watch out .He is sleeping and seems to be fine . Thank you for your help

  13. Elizabeth C Place Avatar
    Elizabeth C Place

    My dog died after surgery that was supposed to remove an obstruction in his bowel. He was a Pug. It was a gastric bezoar consisting of hair. She removed at least 6″ of small bowel. He went into septic shock after the vet told me he was stable. He was 5 yrs old.

  14. Vanessa Avatar

    Our red heeler licks the floor when one of us is away, or, if she is bored. I hazard a guess that more physical exercise is needed, and some reinforcement training to help with her separation anxiety.

  15. Jimmie Avatar

    Rocky did not start licking the floor until after he’s had a couple of some kind of seizures it looks like

    1. Meg Marrs Avatar

      Sounds scary Jimmie! How is Rocky doing now?

    2. Cj Avatar

      My rotti keeps licking the carpet has been to the vet is healthy don’t know why he keeps doing this???

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