Mastiff Mixed Breeds: Your Dependable, Dutiful and Massive Mate

Mixed Breeds


K9 of Mine Staff


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According to our research, the Mastiff dog was originally bred as a combat dog, to guard troops in battle and then later to serve as crowd entertainment by fighting animal and human counterparts in the Roman Colosseum – what a disgusting thought!

Despite his aggressive start in life, the Mastiff is a loving, patient, and loyal family member, who especially loves spending his time playing with the kids in the garden. He’s forgetful of his size and will often try to climb into your lap for a cuddle.

The mastiff is the ultimate family protector and life-long friend and we’ve put together a list of the top 16 Mastiff mixes. Please have a look and let us know what you think.

1. “No, it’s not cold, it’s refreshing!” This stern look is from an Akita and Mastiff blend.

2. Brute strength and intimidation in this hulking form of an American Bandogge – a mix of a Mastiff and American Bulldog.

3. This cutie is an American Masti-Bull – American Pitbull and Mastiff.

4. This kissable face belongs to a Mastiff and Boxer combo.

5. This stunningly beautiful Mastiffman is a cross between a Doberman and Mastiff!

6. This adorable little snow angel is a Mastiff and Great Dane mix!

7. These soulful eyes belong to the Mastiff and German Shepherd mixed breed.

8. A Maspyr is a Great Pyrenees and Mastiff combo.

9. These incredibly long legs belong to a crossbreed Mastiff and Greyhound.

10. A fun-loving Husky and Mastiff crossbreed!

11. This scruffy, golden beauty is a merging of Mastiff and Irish Wolfhound genes.

12. A beautiful Mastador which is a crossbreed between a Labrador and Mastiff.

13. This serious countenance belongs to a Mastiff and Ridgeback cross.

14. The Mastiff and Rottweiler will make a welcome addition to any family home.

15. The St. Bermastiff is a gentle giant and is half Mastiff and half St. Bernard.

16. A stunning portrait of a soulful looking Mastiff and Weimaraner mix.

We’ve come to the end of our list of top 17 Mastiff mixes. Please be sure to let us know if we might have overlooked one and be sure to send us a pic of your four legged pal!

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K9 of Mine Staff

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  1. Elianna Avatar

    bullmastiffs are actually considered a purebred and are recognized by the akc, but other than that, this list was great!

    1. Ben Team Avatar

      Hey, Elianna.
      You’re 100% correct. Bullmastiffs are obviously a distinct breed of their own. Apologies for the mistake — this was one of our very first articles and it must have slipped through our editorial process. I appreciate you pointing out the error, and I’ve removed that entry.
      Thanks for checking out the site!

  2. Janet Howard Avatar
    Janet Howard

    I am looking for a male bridle Mastiff or female bridle
    I need a puppy that will get big. I just lost my best friend of 12 years.

  3. Lorrie Avatar

    In lieu of over 2.7 million dogs and cats being killed in the US each year do you really find it wise to promote more breeding? Stories like this promote backyard breeders and puppy mills to reproduce the next too designer dog.

    Instead what should be discussed and promoted is the spaying and neutering if dogs and cats as well as adopting family pers from shelters across America.

    Another great topic would be showcasing foster homes for pets across the country. Letting people get to know what it is like to foster pets and by it is so important.

    Given the fact that on average less than 5% of dogs and cats brought to shelters ever get adopted, it seems to me that is what needs go be talked about.

    Instead if showing cute pictures of what could be dogs why don’t you show cute pictures of dogs and cats in shelters across America looking for a home? They need exposure, foster homes and donations to save their lives. This is what should be talked about.

    1. Ben Team Avatar

      Hey, Lorrie. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
      We talk about adoption and shelter pets quite a bit. But while adoption is a great choice in some circumstances, purchasing a dog from a compassionate and responsible breeder is better in others.

  4. Lorrie Avatar

    In lieu of over 2.7 million dogs and cats being killed in the US each year do you really find it wise to promote more breeding? Stories like this promote backyard breeders and puppy mills to reproduce the next too designer dog.

    Instead what should be discussed and promoted is the spaying and neutering if dogs and cats as well as adopting family pers from shelters across America.

    Another great topic would be showcasing foster homes for pets across the country. Letting people get to know what it is like to foster pets and by it is so important.

    Given the fact that on average less than 5% of dogs and cats brought to shelters ever get adopted, it seems to me that is what needs go be talked about.

    Instead if showing cute pictures of what could be dogs why don’t you show cute pictures of dogs and cats in shelters across America looking for a home? They need exposure, foster homes and donations to save their lives. This is what should be talked about.

    1. Ben Team Avatar

      Hey, Lorrie. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
      We talk about adoption and shelter pets quite a bit. But while adoption is a great choice in some circumstances, purchasing a dog from a compassionate and responsible breeder is better in others.

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