Thanks to their elongated bodies, tiny little legs, and endearing expression, dachshunds are unmistakable. In fact, their unusual and comical appearance has even earned them the nickname “wiener dog,” after the shape of a hotdog.
But while the sight of a dachshund can put a smile on anyone’s face, there are actually several dachshund mixes that may be even cuter. We’ll let you be the judge — check out the most adorable dachshund mixes below.
Dachshunds 101: Breed Info to Know

Before we bounce into dachshund mixes, we should get acquainted with the doggo of the hour: the dachshund. Let’s dive into the must-know info surrounding this sweet pooch.
History of the Dachshund
With a name that translates to “badger dog” in German and a body made for tunnels and burrows, you likely won’t be surprised to learn that the dachshund began as a badger hunter in Germany. What may be more of a shock is the breed’s age, as he dates back more than 600 years!
His roots as a hunter come with courage, tenacity, and scrappiness — three traits that still shine bright in the breed, even as many today are solidly house dogs used to burrowing into blankets.
The Dachshund’s Appearance
A long and low breed, the dachshund comes in standard and miniature varieties. The standard clocks in at 16 to 32 pounds and 8 to 9 inches at the shoulder, while the miniature weighs under 11 pounds and stands 5 to 6 inches tall at the shoulder.
His ears are long and dropped while his muzzle is long and pointed, with a pair of soulful, dark eyes giving him a classic “puppy-dog” expression. His coat may be smooth, wired, or long, in a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns, including wheaten, black and tan, and dapple.
Dachshund Personality & Temperament
The dachshund can be an inquisitive canine with new experiences, people, and dogs, provided he’s properly socialized and trained to build his confidence. He’s also known to attack new adventures with gusto, as he doesn’t have a shortage of fire in his little body. He’s playful and friendly, too, meshing well with families with mature kiddos. All his pizzazz and personality suits some owners, but it can be overwhelming to others.
Because of his vermin-catching and hunting roots, this breed shouldn’t be permitted off-leash outside fenced-in areas. If he sees perceived prey, he will give chase. He shouldn’t be trusted alone with small pets like rabbits, guinea pigs, or ferrets.
Training a Dachshund
The dachshund is an intelligent little lad, but he doesn’t always use his gift for good. Sometimes, his brainy side is more geared toward mischief as he digs his way out of enclosures or forages around the house for fun, which may include burrowing under your carpet. Because of this, crate training is encouraged.
As for teaching him commands, again, he’s smart, but he also has a mind of his own and may pick and choose which he’ll respond to and when which may frustrate newbie dog owners. High-value rewards like bits of hotdog can keep him on task.
Do note that dachshunds are notoriously challenging to housetrain, so be sure you have an enzymatic carpet cleaner on hand to handle any accidents!
Dachshund Grooming Needs
Properly grooming a dachshund will vary depending on his coat type.
The smooth-coated variety is the easiest to groom, as these pups only need occasional brushing to remove loose hair in addition to regular nail trims, ear cleanings, and toothbrushing. The next most challenging to care for is the wirehaired coat, as it must be hand-stripped a few times yearly and brushed several times a week to avoid tangles. You’ll also need to trim around his eyes and hind end to keep him neat.
Lastly, there’s the longhaired dachshund, whose flowing coat may need to be combed daily or every other day, depending on its length and thickness. If not, it’ll tangle quickly, especially if your pup frequents areas with lots of debris, like the woods or his favorite leaf pile.
Dachshund Health Concerns
Typically a long-lived breed, the dachshund can live a healthy life if his weight is kept in check and he comes from a good, tested gene pool. Too much weight stresses this lowrider’s back, which is already susceptible to disc damage due to his oddball shape. To prevent injury, special care is also needed around exercise and daily activities, like walking up and down stairs and hopping off furniture.
Specific health concerns include joint issues, heart problems, and eye disease.
39 Dashing Dachshund Mixes
Now that you know the doggo dachshund basics, we can introduce you to some of the cutest little canine combos around! Just remember: If you intend to add one of these little four footers to your family, be sure to consider the traits of both parent breeds.
1. Doxle (Dachshund x Beagle)
This doggo might be on the loud side, regardless of which parent breed he takes after, as both the beagle and dachshund are among the most vocal dog breeds. While this talkative nature is a treat for some, it may not suit the needs of apartment dwellers. Families with kiddos may find him to be a great fit, however, as he’s likely to have a friendly, playful nature.
Stubbornness may be an issue with this cutie, but with consistent training, positive reinforcement, and tasty training treats, he can master basic obedience. Just be sure you don’t overdo it on the treats, as extra weight can lead to joint problems and other health issues in pups.
2. Dorgi (Dachshund x Corgi)
Looking for a family-friendly floof? This cute combo pup might be the right fit, as his playful antics are perfect for households with older kiddos. However, training him might be tricky at times, as he may inherit a stubborn streak from either parent. For an experienced trainer, this is no big deal, but it may be stressful for beginners. Focus on short, fun training sessions to keep him on track.
With the corgi and dachshund having a low, elongated body shape, this mixed dog breed will surely be a lowrider, so special care is needed to avoid stress on his back. Daily exercise and a healthy diet are musts in maintaining his weight. You’ll also want to prevent him from running up and down stairs or jumping off furniture since he might injure himself.
Loving the look of this pup? Check out more corgi mixes.
3. Dachshound (Dachshund x Basset Hound)
The Basset already has a long-and-low body plan, but this pooch may look even more stretched out than most! That extended look can make for some cool dog Halloween costumes (slinky, anyone?), but it also makes monitoring your mutt’s weight and activity critical to avoid back injuries. Watch this floof’s treat intake and don’t let him jump off high furniture.
Personality-wise, this pup is primed to be a good match for families with his potential happy-go-lucky yet mellow ways. Just be sure to provide parental supervision, as rough play or riding this doggo can seriously hurt his unusual frame.
4. Doxiepin (Dachshund x Miniature Pinscher)
Saucy, sweet, and spirited are three words that might describe this furry companion, as the miniature pinscher is a breed with plenty of personality — a trait shared with the dachshund. While sure to be small in stature, he’s likely going to be playful and energetic, needing daily exercise sessions to burn off steam. Luckily, these needs can be met with a walk and indoor play, like games of fetch with his favorite toys.
There’s a chance this pup might be bark-happy, which won’t mesh well with apartment life. Early, ongoing training and plenty of attention can help curb excessive barking, as this pooch likely won’t like to be left home alone for long.
5. Papshund (Dachshund x Papillon)
Bringing together two of the best small dog breeds is sure to create one memorable mutt! A friendly nature, intelligence, and love of play are found in both parenting breeds, making any mix of these positive traits possible in this pooch. At the same time, negatives like stubbornness, yappiness, and destructiveness are also at play. Thankfully, with proper training and plenty of daily attention, this pupper can shine.
This mix is poised to fall into the toy breed size range, so he isn’t recommended for families with small kids, as he’s just too fragile. He’d do best in a family with teenagers or adults only, where he can thrive as the apple of your eye.
6. Goldenshund (Dachshund x Golden Retriever)
Also known as the Golden Dox, this wacky woofer combo is one of the most surprising on our list, given the size difference between the two parenting pups. Often built like a golden on stumpy legs, he may also be one of the largest dachshund mixes. His personality can be syrupy sweet like the golden or feisty like the dachshund, so prepare for either outcome!
Maintaining this mutt’s coat may require more upkeep than others if he inherits the flowing coat of a golden or long-haired dachshund. Daily brushing keeps tangles away, while the “feathers” around his legs, tail, and ears should be trimmed periodically to avoid a scraggly look.
Gaga for goldens? Discover more golden retriever mixes.
7. Doxbull (Dachshund x Pit Bull)
Muscles for days on a short frame are possible with this mutt mashup. He’ll likely be raring to go for fun and adventure, so he’s not the doggo for couch potatoes. While his pit side may adore flirt pole play, the short, extended build of the dachshund might leave him susceptible to back injuries. Watch his weight, avoid risky exercise, and don’t let him jump off high furniture to prevent ouchies.
Early obedience training and socialization with strange people and dogs are critical for this mix, as a confident, capable canine always puts his best paw forward in life. This also helps curb the negative traits sometimes seen in his parent breeds, like the dog aggression in pit bulls and the scrappiness of dachshunds.
Love pitties? Meet more amazing pit bull mixes with us!
8. Dameranian (Dachshund x Pomeranian)
Bright in mind and spirit, this adorable doggo can be quite a delight for the right owner. Flexing the smarts of a Pom with the tenacity of a dachshund in a sport like obedience or Earth Dog is ideal, but his exercise needs can also be met with indoor play and a daily walk. Paired with his small size, this can make him a good fit for city living.
Yappiness is something to watch for in this floof, as both parent breeds can be prone to nuisance barking. Building up your barker’s confidence through training and socialization can help curb this and other negative behaviors.
Love the look of this mighty mutt? Discover more Pomeranian mixed breeds.
9. Doxiepoo (Dachshund x Poodle)
This combination canine has loads of potential positives, from the intelligence and biddable nature of the poodle to the innate curiosity and zestiness of the dachshund. Blended, that’s one heck of a woofer, but it’s also important to acknowledge possible negatives, such as the poodle’s need for varied training sessions and the dachshund’s propensity for scrappiness with a side of mayhem.
All that said, the Doxiepoo can be one cute critter, usually having the same sweet look as popular teddy bear dog breeds. A solid grooming routine is a must for maintaining this handsome look. Clipping him short every six to eight weeks allows for easy daily upkeep, including brushing around longer areas to prevent mats.
Pawsitively in love with all things poodle? Meet more poodle mixes.
10. Chiweenie (Dachshund x Chihuahua)
The hilariously named Chiweenie is one of the most popular dachshund mixes, so you may have seen him around the dog park. His petite frame is nothing to sneeze at, as he often has a heart and sense of self much larger, suiting those who want a “big dog” in a portable package, like a trucker or van life extraordinaire.
Confidence is key when raising this combo creature. The Chiweenie needs a pet parent devoted to building his courage to prevent nervousness and negative behaviors like growing, snapping, and nuisance barking. This is achieved through obedience training and socialization.
Can’t get over this cutie? See more Chihuahua mixed breeds!
11. Daimaraner (Dachshund x Weimaraner)
As strange as he can be stunning, the Daimaraner is a rarity in the dog world. His looks are a mixed bag of possibilities that are nearly impossible to predict, from the icy blue eyes of the Weimaraner to the dapple coat of a dachshund. His size is another unknown, though it’s safe to assume he’ll be larger than most mutts on this list. Because of this, you’ll want to watch him for joint issues.
Daily exercise is a must with this mutt, as both pup parents are active four-footers. The type of exercise will vary by dog, but for most, a long daily walk or hike will do just fine with one-on-one play at home.
12. Frenshund (Dachshund x French Bulldog)
Get ready for comedy with a side of chaos with this canine! The Frenchie is a famous jester, while the dachshund rivals him with mischief, potentially making for one entertaining doggo. This is fun to live with, but it can be frustrating in training. Remember to keep a light heart and plenty of treats handy.
Potential health issues are a significant drawback of this mutt compared to others, as both parent pups are prone to serious conditions, including back problems, hip and elbow dysplasia, and breathing issues. Working with your vet to keep your floof as fit as possible is vital for this hound’s long-term health.
Can’t get enough Frenchie fun? Get to know more French bulldog mixes.
13. Labshund (Dachshund x Labrador Retriever)
The Labshund pretty much has the potential to have it all. Friendly? Check. Intelligent? Check. Affectionate? Check. Built like hysterical little hotdogs? You better believe it. Also known as the Dachsadors, this mixed pup is often a bit bigger and requires much more exercise than a typical dachshund, so be sure that you are prepared to be a full-time puppy parent before taking this plunge.
It’s also important to consider this canine’s near-constant need for attention. The Lab is the king of Velcro dog breeds, so this floof may struggle if left alone for long periods. A dog walker or doggy daycare may be a good idea if you work outside the home.
14. x (Dachshund x German Shepherd)
The sky is the limit when it comes to the potential looks of this pup, who may inherit the classic shepherd coloring or the rainbow of dachshund hues. He may be short-statured, heavy, and long, slope-backed and petite, or something in between — who knows! This mixed bag of possibilities is also true with his personality. The shepherd is famous for his loyalty, while the dachshund has flashes of independence.
Joint issues can plague this mix, as both parent breeds have unique shapes that may lead to hip, elbow, or back problems. Watch this pup’s weight and only practice safe exercises to keep him moving and grooving at peak performance and comfort.
Simply adore shepherds? Dive into more incredible German shepherd mixes.
15. Dachmatian (Dachshund x Dalmatian)
Know what makes a dachshund even cuter than it already is? Spots. That must have been the thinking behind the dachmatians, who can be as spotted as they are stretched-out and small. Unfortunately, while they are undoubtedly cute and affectionate with their families, neither parent breed is terribly outgoing with strangers. You’ll want to work with socialization early on to avoid issues.
While likely to be a wise woof, training this four-footer isn’t a walk in the park. Independence and stubbornness are real possibilities, making him best suited for an experienced dog owner committed to providing obedience training with patience.
16. Dachshund x Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Thicker than a Snicker, this oddball pairing can make for one wild-looking four-footer! Your pooch could very well end up with the broad head and muscles of a Staffy on stumpy doxie legs, earning plenty of laughs. Jokes aside, this extreme frame calls for careful focus on your dog’s weight and activities to prevent joint issues.
Start obedience training and socialization early with this mix, focusing on positive interactions and building your pup’s confidence. Dog aggression and aloofness with strangers can be an issue, though proper guidance can prevent long-term problems.
17. Jackshund (Dachshund x Jack Russell Terrier)
A quest for adventure will likely be front-and-center in this barker, with the Jack Russell terrier and dachshund famously fearlessly looking for fun around every corner. Paired with this pup’s portability, he may easily join the ranks of the best dogs for traveling. Work on obedience training and socialization to ensure he’s a friendly, well-behaved adventure buddy.
This pup can be a good match for a family with older kiddos, but we’d watch him around small pets like rabbits and cats. With his ratter roots and strong prey drive, things can get dangerous.
Just can’t get enough of Jack Russells? Explore more Jack Russell mixes.
18. Dachsweiler (Dachshund x Rottweiler)
What a wild mix of hardworking doggos! The colossal Rottie and short doxie are as different in size as they are in personality, aside from a shared love of work. That busy brain needs a job, so be sure this four-footer gets daily physical and mental stimulation. Puzzle toys can be a great addition to his regular routine of walks and hands-on play.
Focus on obedience training and socialization early with this pup to help shape him into his best self. The more he learns at your side, the more confident he will become, potentially preventing fear aggression issues.
19. Rat Doxie (Dachshund x Rat Terrier)
Calling all terrier lovers: We’ve got a mixed mutt for you! Curiosity is sure to be a primary trait of this cutie, potentially paired with a splash of mischief, so keep him leashed beyond a fenced yard. He can also be quite friendly with his favorite people, even with kiddos, which is somewhat rare in terriers and terrier mixes.
That said, this is still a terrier mix with dachshund, to boot. He shouldn’t be trusted alone with your rabbit or guinea pig. Cats may also prove to be too tempting not to chase for him.
20. Doxie Cairn (Dachshund x Cairn Terrier)
Tenacious may very well be the best word to describe the potential personality of the doxie cairn, a combination of adorable breeds known for strong prey drives and a hunger for fun. Poised to be an energetic breed combo, he may be a good match for active owners.
If not properly exercised and provided canine enrichment activities, this pupper may exhibit destructive behaviors, like digging up your flowerbed or shredding throw pillows. Be sure to give this pooch plenty of exercise, whether he’s enjoying a hike with new scents or participating in Earth Dog competitions.
. Doxie-Chon (Dachshund x Bichon Frise)
Curls galore are a good possibility with this pooch, as the bichon frise is one of the curliest breeds out there! All that hair is handsome, but it also takes a lot of work to maintain. Frequent brushing at home keeps matting at bay, but for most people, having a professional clip this canine short every few weeks is best for daily upkeep.
This mixed pup could be a world-class lap dog, with the bichon famous for warming laps far and wide. Likely to love his people (and love showering them in affection), he’s the perfect pupperino for someone who’s often home or looking for a travel buddy but not ideal for anyone who works long hours away from home. He’s not one to leave alone for extended periods.
Do you love the look of this cute combo pup? Get to know more bichon mixed breeds!
22. Dachshund x Chinese Shar-Pei
Unique features combine in this four-footed phenomenon, with the dachshund’s lowrider ways just as out there as the Shar-Pei’s wrinkles and famed hippo head. Your pup may even get the Shar-Pei’s blue-black tongue! Talk about one kooky canine!
Early socialization and positive interactions with strange people and pets are critical for this canine, as the Shar-Pei can be wary of humans and dog-selective. Obedience training relying on positive reinforcement and building the bond between the handler and the pooch is also essential. This is not a breed mix for beginners.
23. Dachshund x Boxer
Don’t be surprised if this pup has nothing but playing on the mind since the dachshund and boxer are fun-obsessed floofs. This potential love of play pairs nicely with active families with kids, but you’ll need to be sure all activities are safe for his frame if he has the long, low look of the dachshund to prevent back injuries. Stock up on the best toy brands and watch this woof go to town!
Training this combo canine may take patience and humor, as the dachshund is known to be independent, while the boxer’s silly streak may interrupt training sessions. Keeping your lessons short, fun, and reward-based will go a long way in helping this mutt master basic obedience.
24. Bo-Dach (Dachshund x Boston Terrier)
Holy recipe for personality, Batman! Both parent breeds in this blend are beloved for being friendly, playful, and goofy, so you’ll get at least a slice of that awesome personality pie with this mix. This upbeat nature may also work well in family settings with children, provided your kiddos know not to play too rough with this small fry.
You’ll want to watch this woofer in warm weather if he inherits the flat face of the Boston terrier, as this shortened airway risks overheating. Air-conditioned quarters and quick potty breaks will be his best friends during summer. Luckily, his exercise needs can be met mainly inside amid hot spells with a fun mix of interactive dog toys.
Interested in more Boston barkers? Dig into more Boston terrier mixes.
25. Dachshund x Bedlington Terrier
What an unexpected mix! The Bedlington is far from common stateside, so this isn’t likely to be a cross you’ll see, but still, imagine the possibilities with the array of dachshund coats and Bedlington’s famous curls! His personality is just as hard to predict, though there’s a decent chance you’ll encounter some stubbornness and sass from both breeds. Stick to positive rewards and remember to laugh in training with this woofer.
Grooming this mutt might be a challenge, particularly if he gets the curly coat of the Bedlington or a long, flowing ‘do of a dachshund. If that’s the case, brush him daily to prevent matting and opt for a sanitary trim to keep his potty zone clear of messes.
26. Dorkie (Dachshund x Yorkshire Terrier)
With both parents known to be fierce and fiery, this petite pooch has the potential to be loads of fun with ample training dedicated to preventing small dog syndrome. Stature will probably mean nothing to this floof as he explores the world around him with gusto, making him a great match if you’re looking for a big dog in a small package to travel with. Just remember that as one of the smallest pups on this list, he’s best suited for families with teenage kids or older.
Maintaining this mixed breed’s coat may be a handful, depending on which parent breed ‘do he inherits. In terms of grooming a Yorkie or long-coat doxie coat texture, expect to brush your barker daily to avoid tangles. For the smooth or wiry dachshund look, occasional brushing is still needed to remove shedding hair or debris, but it’s less demanding on your schedule.
Love everything about Yorkshire terriers? Discover more Yorkie mixes.
27. Dachshund x Border Collie
You read that right: everyone’s favorite wiener dog meets the world’s smartest dog breed. What a bonkers blend! With such an oddball pairing, personality and trainability are real toss-ups, as the border collie is renowned for his smarts and eagerness to please, while the dachshund sometimes takes the scenic route regarding commands. The result may be a middle-of-the-road Rover between the two with smarts and sass needing fun but consistent training. For that reason, he’s best for experienced owners.
The border collie is a relatively healthy breed, though, like the dachshund, he may see some joint issues as he matures. If this mix inherits the dachshund’s long, low build, you’ll want to skip the high-flying sports the border collie famously excels in, as your pup will have an increased risk of back injuries.
28. Miniature Schnoxie (Dachshund x Miniature Schnauzer)
What an adorably grizzled little gremlin! Blending the dapper dachshund with the gentlemanly schnauzer has all the makings of one handsome hound, and boy, does it deliver! Any inherited hair does need tamping, however, so expect to spend some time (and money) at the groomer.
Training this bearded barker might be easier than most mixes on this list, as the schnauzer is an intelligent, obedient breed, potentially overriding the hardheadedness of the dachshund. A quick wit isn’t all sunshine, though, as you’ll need to work at holding his attention. Keep dog training toys and high-value rewards on hand during lessons to shake things up, or he will get bored.
29. Italian Doxie (Dachshund x Italian Greyhound)
Combining two adorable breeds sure makes one cute critter, right? It may make quite the charmer, too, as both the doxie and Italian greyhound (affectionately known by fanciers as the Iggy) are prized for having playful spirits and affectionate ways. If you’re frequently home and ready to dish out attention, this might be the mutt for you.
With the Italian greyhound being a fragile four-footer, this is not the pup for families with small children or large, boisterous dogs. This pup may also have a few congenital health issues to watch for, like thyroid disease, knee problems, and eye disorders.
30. Mauxie (Dachshund x Maltese)
Mixing one of the most beautiful dog breeds with a wiener dog might produce one comical-looking canine or quite the cutie! Either way, you’re in for a treat! The doxie and Maltese are playful breeds, so this barker might surprise you with bursts of energy around the house. Luckily, a daily walk and a stocked toy basket can meet his exercise needs. This makes him a good pick for apartment life.
Grooming this pup may be a handful, as both parent dog breeds can have long coats requiring daily brushing to prevent matting. Clipping your canine short can make basic grooming at home easier, letting you spend more time enjoying life with your loving companion rather than combing his coat.
Want to meet more adorable doggos like this one? Check out our list of Maltese mixes.
31. Dashalier (Dachshund x Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)
The sweet, mild temperament of the Cavalier may mellow out the fiery side of the dachshund, potentially causing this mutt to be one docile doggo. Paired with this pup likely being obedient and smart, training sessions may be a breeze if you lead with an upbeat attitude. Aversive methods will not work with such a sensitive spirit (or any dog, for that matter!)
Watch for congenital health issues with this pup, as the Cavy is known to have heart problems. Keep an eye out for ear infections, too, as this pooch’s flowing features may be prone to them.
32. Dachshund x Havanese
You’re in for a real treat if this cutie gets the funny and friendly ways of the Havanese with the sassy ‘tude of the dachshund. This mashup has the potential to be an excellent small dog for kids or companion canine for someone who’s home a lot, as this pupperoni is all about basking in the glow of your attention.
Maintaining this mutt’s coat can be challenging, but basic grooming, like frequent brushing, is much easier if you clip him short every six to eight weeks. Getting him used to grooming early on is important, as this lifelong process can stress sniffers out. Introduce treats and praise as you practice brushing him in short sessions, associating the activity with something positive in your pup’s mind.
33. Docker (Dachshund x Cocker Spaniel)
This precious pooch is one of the sportiest sniffers on our list and potentially an excellent choice for families with kids. Both parent dog breeds are known to have plenty of energy and playful mannerisms, which pairs nicely with family life. Backyard play and a daily walk with lots of sniffing can keep him happy as long as he gets lots of love from his favorite humans. He isn’t one to leave home alone for extended periods.
If your pup takes after his cocker parent in size and shape, he may be a good match for multi-pet homes, as he can withstand (and may tolerate) more roughhousing with other dogs than the doxie. He may still demand to be the center of attention, however, so watch for jealousy issues.
Interested in meeting more mutts like this one? See more cocker spaniel mixes.
34. Pekehund (Dachshund x Pekingese)
With the potential to be friendly and affectionate, this floof might be your perfect match if you spend a lot of time at home and can commit to regular pooch pampering. However, this pampering doesn’t end with giving him pets, as this four-footer will need heavy-duty grooming, which may include daily combing to prevent mats. Still, you’re rewarded with his presence, so soak up the lovin’!
This pupper is poised to have an independent streak a mile wide, so don’t be surprised if he opts to follow his wishes over yours at times. Pekingese are infamous for walking life at their own pace, requiring an owner who accepts the good and the bad equally with humor. Because of his occasional bouts of defiance, this mix is best for an experienced owner.
35. Highland Doxie (Dachshund x West Highland White Terrier)
A zest for life is likely to shine bright in this handsome little fellow. Like Dachshunds, Westies are beloved for having a sweet spirit and high energy level, fitting in well in active families with kiddos. This pupper just needs plenty of attention and daily mental and physical stimulation, or he’ll act out his frustration (likely on your favorite pillows or plants!)
Multi-pet homes may not be the best match for this mutt, especially those with cats and rabbits, as both the Westie and Dachshund began as vermin control. Ample training and socialization can curb aggressive behavior, but this floof still shouldn’t be trusted alone around small animals.
36. Schweenie (Dachshund x Shih Tzu)
This cuddly companion may mirror many of today’s most popular designer dog breeds in appearance, but he’s not that common. Cute with or without the famous Shih Tzu ‘do, he may be a mixed breed with plenty of gas in the tank each day, as both parents are known to be playful as can be. Still, his exercise needs can be met with a daily walk and indoor play, making him a good choice for apartment life.
Training this mixed mutt may be a challenge, as both parent breeds are known to have a stubborn streak, and the Shih Tzu is infamously slow to master new commands, especially housetraining. For this reason, he’s not recommended for inexperienced owners.
37. Daug (Dachshund x Pug)
Personality likely won’t be lacking in this cute pupperoni, with the doxie parent potentially passing on a curious nature and the pug beloved for his clownish ways. These personality traits are a recipe for a fun-loving floof, potentially making him a good match for family life with proper training for your doggo and kiddos. Kids must remember that while he might act like a big dog, he’s still small!
Health problems, including genetic health conditions, may plague this pooch, as both parent breeds have a wide range of known concerns. Keeping your canine healthy starts with watching his weight, with daily exercise sessions like walking to prevent a pudgy pup. If your dog inherits the pug’s flat face, you’ll also want to watch your brachycephalic buddy in warm weather, as he’ll be susceptible to overheating.
Can’t get enough pugs in your life? Check out more peppy pug mixes!
38. Daschi Apso (Dachshund x Lhasa Apso)
Don’t let that cute face fool you: This mixed mutt may be one tough cookie to train. While both parent breeds are intelligent, they’re also stubborn, with the Lhasa one of the least biddable breeds in the dog world. This combo canine needs an experienced owner and thrives with positive reinforcement training, but be sure to change up lessons to avoid boring this barker.
Likely to be affectionate and a professional at being the center of attention, this doggo can make a great companion. However, he isn’t the best option for families with small kids or multi-pet homes, as Lhasas are known to be selective with children and other dogs. Instead, he’d make an excellent addition to an adult household where he can soak up all the lovins’ for himself.
39. Shetlund (Dachshund x Shetland Sheepdog)
This canine combination is bound to be cute, as few doggos can top the puppy-dog eyes of doxies and Shelties. That said, in terms of grooming him, you may be in for a challenge, depending on his coat type. The flowing ‘do of a Sheltie requires daily combing to prevent tangles while caring for the doxie’s many coat textures varies, ranging from occasional brushing of smooth pups to daily care for long-coated canines.
The personality of this pup can be a delight, especially for first-time dog owners looking for a biddable barker if he takes after the sweetness of the Sheltie. He’s also likely to be active, needing daily exercise beyond a leisurely walk. The Sheltie is one of the best dog breeds for agility, so if your pupper takes after the breed’s more athletic build, the sport may be a great way to put your dog’s brain and body to work.
Dachshund Mixes: FAQ
Want to know more about these wonderful woofers? Check out the most commonly asked questions about dachshund mixes and their answers.
What is a good breed to mix with a dachshund?
Plenty of breeds mix well with the dachshund, like the beagle, Chihuahua, and rat terrier. Ideally, you want to avoid extreme size differences between dogs, as lots of weight on short legs stresses your sniffer’s joints in the long run.
Are dachshund mixes good dogs?
All dogs are good dogs in our eyes, but yes, dachshund mixes are primed to be great companions with proper care and training. Some mixes may be harder to train than others, so it’s vital to research before welcoming any of these woofs into your family to ensure a good match.
What is a doxie mix?
Doxie is a cute nickname for a dachshund, so a doxie mix is another term for a dachshund mix. Some common dachshund mixes include the Chiweenie (dachshund x Chihuahua) and the Dorgi (dachshund x corgi).
Do dachshund mixes shed a lot?
Dachshund mixes can shed a lot, depending on what breed they’re mixed with. A breed like a Lab can up the shed factor, while a poodle or bichon sheds less. Dachshunds shed a moderate amount, so it’s safe to assume you’ll find at least some fuzz around the house.
So there you have it — some of the most incredible dachshund mixes. There are surely others out there, but we’re pretty happy with the ones we selected. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make the case for your own dachshund mix in the comments. Let us know your favorite!
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